Electrical stimulation has been around in some form another for nearly 250 years and can be traced back to the Italian scientist, Luigi Galvani who hooked up wiring to frogs legs and observed them ‘twitching’ back in 1780.

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is a therapy method where nerves are stimulated through the skin with precisely controlled electrical energy in order to cause a functionally useful muscular contraction.
This can be through the motor nerves or, if the muscle is de-nervated, via direct stimulation of the muscle fibres.
It is delivered via pads which come in various sizes depending on the muscle you are trying to strengthen.
Introducing the RehaMove 2 FES Bike
FES Cycling is seen as essential for maintaining good health & improving/preserving muscle condition.
Here at Neuro Physiotherapy Solutions we have a Viva 2 MOTOmed bike which is connected to a Hasomed RehaMove 2 provided by Anatomical Concepts.

FES Cycling with a RehaMove system is an effective way of keeping fit and exercising when, following a spinal cord injury, stroke, MS or other neurological challenge, regular exercise is difficult to get.
This 8 channel FES system with the MOTOmed Viva 2 allows for upper & lower limb cycling, incorporating any or all of the upper and lower limb muscles, and the trunk.
This FES technology uses precise functional electrical stimulation to actively exercise the muscles of paralysed limbs. This improves circulation, eases spasms, strengthens muscles and much more. This is vital for long-term health.
The RehaMove System includes the innovative ‘Sequence Mode’ software which enables me to utilise the stimulator independently from the bike, to enhance other functional exercises eg. sit to stand.
What are the benefits?
•Increased muscle mass and strength
•Preserve bone density
•Increase range of movement
•Significant training effects and improved CV fitness
•Reduction in spasms
If you wish to explore or fine out more about this type of therapy, please Contact me for more information.