
“Excellent neuro physiotherapist, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, experienced, practical support and advice given. Great listener too. Works with me to reach my goals and adapts these as they change. Superb and would highly recommend! Been using his service since March 2023.”

November 2023

John is an excellent neuro physiotherapist who is extremely knowledgeable in this specialist area of physiotherapy. He works closely with his clients and family members to maximise the benefits of his bespoke therapeutic interventions. I would highly recommend John for anyone seeking specialist neuro physiotherapy input.”

November 2023

“I have been working with John for almost 2 years. I had a Stroke 4 years ago and have had difficulties with both my left arm and leg.

John is an exceptionally talented Physiotherapist with plenty of knowledge which is second to none. 

John has supported me massively for the past 2 years enabling me to make great progress and to build my confidence.

John is very challenging and pushes me to improve but does this in such a supportive way. Since day one John has made me comfortable which is exactly what you need when choosing a Physiotherapist to work with.

I would definitely recommend John to anyone, he is absolutely fantastic, he’s passionate about his work and with his support over the past 2 years, I have come on leaps and bounds”.

December 2022

“I’ve been working with John for about 9 months after having a stroke. He’s so easy to be around, super knowledgeable about what he does, and clearly loves it! He’s always taken on board my goals and although he helps me manage these in a realistic way he’s never made me feel like they aren’t achievable”. 

December 2022

John supporting one of his Stroke clients at her first climbing session. There are no limitations apart from those which you put on yourself!